Wednesday, October 1, 2014

31 Days of Halloween-Happy October

Hello Lovelies!
 Happy October! With the beginning of October comes my favorite time of year, the month of Halloween! It's a major holiday in my world. Usually the Halloween decorations are up year round but October 1'st is the official kick-off of the season!
Today we celebrated by watching the Nightmare Before Christmas and somewhat decorating. I was hoping to decorate outside but there was a big commotion going on in my neighborhood and I didn't want to be outside decorating in the middle of it. So tomorrow I shall decorate!
I've seen around the blog'o sphere that people are doing a "31 Days of Halloween" to celebrate the season. What a wonderful idea! I thought I'd join but I'm weary of linking up in case I fall off the blogging wagon. (I've been known to do this in the past.).
So with no big pressure and lots of spooky goodies planned for the next 31 days, I hope you'll stick around and enjoy the festivities!

Happy October!

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