Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sick Day - 31 Days of Halloween - Day 5

Hello folks,
 Today I've been feeling under the weather. With it being Sunday and having free time, I pushed myself to do more than I should have. Now I can't even begin to put together a blog post. The past few days I've felt the need to pre-write blog posts, so I can just effortlessly post them daily... but that felt so inorganic and forced. I know this blogs content isn't nearly where I want it to be yet, but I'm working on it every time I post. Today, I'll just has to deal with it and move on. Tomorrow, I promise a better post!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ghostbuster Donuts - 31 Days of Halloween -Day 4

 When I first heard that Krispy Kreme was doing a special Ghostbusters donuts for the 30th anniversary of the cult classic movie, I was super excited. You see, Bumpkin's favorite movie is the Ghostbusters. He is only 8 and with the power of ebay, youtube, dvds, movie theater reshowing, and specials like at Krispy Kreme he somehow has no clue that the movie came out before I was born. So while the special edition donuts are a treat for us adults who remember the show and my favorite, the cartoon The Real Ghostbusters from nostalgic memory, it was just part of getting a tiny treat in the every day life of Bumpkin.

Tiny treat or not, we were both super stoked to see the Slimer and Staypuft Man on the window when we pulled up. I wanted to get them on Monday, when they were first released but we had a frustrating week and wasn't able to actually make it to the nearest Krispy Kreme (35 minutes away) until Friday night.

We ventured down to Greenvile Ave. Which is only a block from the Ebola patients apartment and very near Parkland hospital. We kept jokingly calling them Zombie donuts or Ebola donuts. Insensitive? Maybe but that's how we deal with things in our part of the world. So we ventured into Ebola Central, fought the traffic and hovering helicopters to get these delicious treats.

I quickly order a dozen of the Ghostbusters donuts and we were soon devouring them. There were two varieties. A Staypuft Marshmallow Man with candy hat and a Ghostbuster one with the candy ghost logo and green slime behind him. Both were filled with marshmallow creme, of course!

I'll say the donuts were a little disappointing. Maybe if we had had fresh ones straight from the fryer... but ours were cold. The marshmallow creme was very firm and kind of hard to chew. The flavor was good and the donuts were very cute though! So at least they had that.

Overall I'd say they couldve tasted horrible and been slightly ugly and we'd still love them simply because they were Ghostbusters related. :)

Speaking of Ghostbusters, our Halloween costumes will be Ghostbusters and a ghost this year! More on that to come.

Happy festivities Darlings!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Halloween Traditions -31 Days of Halloween-Day 3

'Ello Lovelies,
 Enjoying the season so far? For day 3, I'm sharing some Halloween traditions we carry out in our home. I can't seem to get photos from my phone to my laptop tonight, no matter which way I try it. So please excuse the non-existent pictures. They will be on here as soon as I can get them!

1. Decorate
On October 1st, I always take a half day at work (if I need it). I go home, dig through my storage shed, or as the husband calls it "The Halloween Shed". Then I pull out the many storage bins and proceed to decorate the house. Every year I do something a little different. I rearrange items and make sure that each item is cozy in it's own spot.

2. Homemade Decorations
Next to vintage, homemade decorations are my favorite! Thanks to Pinterest, it's become very easy to have access to incredible ideas too. Some as easy as printing, cutting and framing! So of course I have a growing collection of hand-made decorations. Some that were made with my great grandmothers hands.

3. Homemade Costumes
 Our household doesn't believe in pre-made Halloween costumes. What's the fun in that?! It's so much more satisfying and FUN to plan and create your own costume. Bonus points for using items you already have! We usually start planning our costumes in July.

4. Haunted Tour
 Ghost or Haunted Tours are perfect for strolling around outside and enjoying a spooky tale. It'll get you in the festive spirit in no time! Not a vacation goes by that I don't take a ghost tour. We've visited New Orleans, Las Vegas, Salem, Boston, Galveston, Eureka Springs, and I have to say that the most "activity" I've seen is in the small town of Jefferson, TX. It is overflowing with spirits. This year, I'm looking for a tour in Dallas.

5. Halloween stories by candle-light
Halloween stories are always fun, especially by candle-light. The candle casts a ghostly glow that makes even a children's book a little more creepy. Have some extra fun by creating spooky shadow puppets in the light on the wall.

6. Seek out the latest Halloween goodies
Much like Linus waiting for The Great Pumpkin, I impatiently wait for the Halloween decor to hit the shelves in my favorite stores. Hobby Lobby and Michaels humor me by putting out Halloween decor in July. Garden Ridge (At Home Store) soon follows. Target usually has my favorite decor though! The local Target knows to expect me in on September 1st for Halloween. They even hold items they think I'll like.
This year I've got my eye on those Halloween putz houses, the Halloween diorama, and the skeletal cat! Anything you're looking forward to purchasing? A favorite Halloween line from a store?

7. Sample Halloween treats
 The treats that are released at Halloween can't be beat! Pumpkin spice everything is on the shelf. Currently, I've been campaigning for Colgate to make a pumpkin spice toothpaste. Could you imagine?! Anyway, this year I've sampled some Halloween treats that will be featured on the blog. ;)

9. Leaf Pumpkins
 A favorite tradition from my childhood would be these Pumpkin Yard Bags. We would rake the entire yard and fill the smallest pumpkin with whatever leaves we had in our sparse Oklahoman yard. The rest we'd fill with old plastic bags from the grocery store. It's been years since I've been able to find them. I have just recently found some on Amazon and at an Estate Sale. It's going to be really hard using the Estate Sale find, since they are from 1979! Definitely try these guys from Amazon out. They are sure to bring a smile to your face.

10. Trick or Treat
The best Halloween tradition of all! Over the years, I've noticed that Trick or Treating has gone to the side, in favor of "carnivals" or trunk or treat. We need to bring traditional trick or treating back! When I say Trick or Treat, I mean going door to door in a safe neighborhood with the golden ultimatum "Trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat!" Ahh yes, demanding candy from complete strangers? What a glorious thing! It's a tradition for me to take Bumpkin trick or treating.We go door to door until we can't hold our bags anymore. Usually our feet get tired before we give in.

11. Eat as much candy as possible
 Of course with trick or treating comes tons of candy. We sort through it, sometimes color coordinate, eating our favorite as we go. Then we have a free for all for the next 24 hours, usually making ourselves sick. Then we pick out 5 of our favorites and put the rest out for The Great Pumpkin to take for next year. He usually leaves little toys and activities for Bumpkin and myself in return.

That's it! What Halloween traditions do you have?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Halloween Movies for Kids : 31 Days of Halloween-Day 2

Hello Spooklings and Ghouls,
 Is everyone enjoying the beginning of the most wonderful time of year??
In our house-hold there are few things we hold more dear than our movie collection and Netflix subscription. (I'm only half kidding, me and Netflix are on first names basis now.). So with our love of film and tv, it goes without saying that Halloween is celebrated with lots of movie watching!
Recently my 8 year old brother, Bumpkin moved in with us. It's been an absolute adjustment since we don't have kids.
He loves Halloween as much as I do but Bumpkins presence has halted my horror movie marathons. I now watch those after he is tucked away and fast asleep in his bed. With his excitement, I've considered family friendly Halloween flicks and thought I'd share them with you. Some of these are Halloween specials from my childhood and some are movies that are available on DVD.

1. Garfields Halloween Adventure:
 There is a little back-story to this pick. When I was little, I'd visit my grandma every other weekend. Grandma's house was a magical place, worthy of it's own post. So I won't dwell to much on those visits but I will say, no place has ever come close to Grandma's house. She lived in the middle of mountains and didn't have that phenomenon known as a cable television. Her friends would record tv specials and cartoons for us girls (my sister and myself). Garfield's Halloween Adventure was one of those VHS tapes that we watched one Halloween night with our Grandma. It brings back warm memories of popcorn, cuddling on the couch under an knit blanket with tree branches scarping the window and the wind howling outside.Plus who would resist the lazy, Monday hating yellow tabby known as Garfield?
 Garfield's Halloween Adventure is an excellent movie to introduce kids to Halloween night.


2. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
 I can totally relate to Linus and his impatient wait for the return of the Great Pumpkin. In the months leading up to October I feel like him. Impatiently waiting for the time of year where I feel somewhat normal for my general spooky zaniness. "ITGPCB" is not my favorite Halloween movie, it;s not even my top 10. Aside from being able to relate to Linus, I really don't like the movie. I have chosen it simply because Bumpkin LOVES Charlie Brown and his group of friends.


3. Halloweentown 1, 2, & 3
Am I the only one who wanted to live in Halloweentown? I still do! I legitimately get bummed every time I watch it because Halloweentown is so amazing. Every movie in this series is absolute Halloween.


4. Hocus Pocus
 I'm just going to go ahead and say it. I am the fourth Sanderson Sister. These ladies are like the long lost wicked, spooky, slightly perturb witch girls that have been missing from my life. Every year they visit and it's so wonderful catching up. We bust out the brooms and vacuum cleaner, hit the town and sing to little children. ;) Thackery Binx was also my first crush (in boy form, of course). The rendition of "I Put a Spell on You" is the best I've ever heard and poor Billy Butcherson... bless his soul. This movie is everything you want in a Halloween movie: witty, quirky, kitschy, spooky, and funny.


5. Sleepy Hollow (Disney)
 It's now time to be honest. I didn't like Sleepy Hollow until I was in my teens. It scared the bajeesus out of my as a kid. The Sanderson Sisters? They were my girls. The Ghostbusters? My friends. Even Jason (ala Friday the 13th) was part of my imaginary friend brood... but for some reason Sleepy Hollow scared me. I've since fallen in love with this movie, the Johnny Depp version, the tv series and even the book by Washington Irving. This movie has been tested out on other children and they don't seem to be as scared... so maybe the Headless Horseman isn't so scary afterall. It's hard to believe this movie was made in 1949. It's a goldie for any Halloween collection.


6. The Real Ghostbusters: When Halloween was Forever
It's hard to do a Halloween feature without mentioning one of my childhood favorites. The Real Ghostbusters were the best! The villains were always so unique in the fact that they weren't copied and pasted as filler. The "Army of the Night" in this episode was proof of that. Let's not forget Samhain, a true villain and Lord of the Army of the Night. He and his pumpkin-head can still kick rocks.


7. The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror
 A Halloween staple in our house, I look forward to the Simpsons Halloween special every year. Even since I was a little trick-or-treater, I'd settle down long enough to enjoy these episodes. It's really hard to pick a favorite, they are all so good!


That's my list! I hope you like it! I'm curious what your favorites are? There are several kid friendly movies that come out around Halloween but I wanted this feature to be specific to Halloween in some way.
Happy Haunting Lovelies!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

31 Days of Halloween-Happy October

Hello Lovelies!
 Happy October! With the beginning of October comes my favorite time of year, the month of Halloween! It's a major holiday in my world. Usually the Halloween decorations are up year round but October 1'st is the official kick-off of the season!
Today we celebrated by watching the Nightmare Before Christmas and somewhat decorating. I was hoping to decorate outside but there was a big commotion going on in my neighborhood and I didn't want to be outside decorating in the middle of it. So tomorrow I shall decorate!
I've seen around the blog'o sphere that people are doing a "31 Days of Halloween" to celebrate the season. What a wonderful idea! I thought I'd join but I'm weary of linking up in case I fall off the blogging wagon. (I've been known to do this in the past.).
So with no big pressure and lots of spooky goodies planned for the next 31 days, I hope you'll stick around and enjoy the festivities!

Happy October!