Sunday, August 10, 2014

Here we go!

Hi y'all!
 I'm Tiffany, aka The Heebie Jeebies Queen and I'll be your tour guide around here. That's me up there ^^^. If you look below these words, you'll find photos of my husband, Garrett. You'll also find some photos of our fur-kids, Bondo and Danzig the lady-dogs and Jazz and Metallicat the gentlemen cats.

We live in the Dallas, TX area. Never did I think I'd be living in Texas but I've grown to love it here. Especially our little neighborhood with it's 50's & 60's charm. I'm constantly trying to find spooky or retro locations and things to do around us, currently trying to find a local grocery shop! I'll keep you updated!

With this blog I'm hoping to share my little part of the world with you. You can expect anything from horror, sci fi,  50's kitsch, recipes, crafts, our adventures, kustom kulture, my fur-kids, anything nerdy and pop culture related!

So please stick around! I'll try to make it as cozy as possible! Also, please bear with me as I adjust the layout and design! I was so excited to post my first post that I haven't had a chance to design anything cute up! It'll get better, I promise. :)

Enjoy the ride,
Me and Garrett

 Bondo and Danzig

Jazz and Metallicat